428 Minnesota Street #500 St. Paul, MN 55101

Data Analytics Solutions

Maximize operational efficiency, mitigate risks, and transform your data into revenue-generating opportunities with a reliable ally by your side. Our comprehensive services encompass everything from designing data strategies to executing cloud migrations and implementing cutting-edge Machine Learning and AI technologies.

Unlock The Power Of Data Analytics

Craft a Future-Ready Data Strategy:

LAK Technology partners with you to craft a robust data strategy tailored to your needs, whether designing from the ground up or optimizing existing infrastructure to align with evolving data requirements.

Implement Robust Data Governance:

Our seasoned experts bolster data quality and security organization-wide by implementing efficient data governance protocols, access controls, and delineating responsibilities.

Enhance Operations with a Unified Data Platform:

Our skilled engineers design and deploy a cohesive data platform, seamlessly integrating disparate systems, optimizing data flow (ingestion, ETL, etc.), and fostering seamless collaboration across your teams.

Leverage Cloud Migration for Data Efficiency :

Harness the boundless computing and storage capabilities of the cloud to optimize costs, scale operations, fortify data security, and broaden your customer base. Embrace a cloud-agnostic architecture for enhanced flexibility and mitigated vendor lock-in risks.

Augment Your Data Team with Elite Talent:

From assembling a new development team to expanding your current roster with seasoned data specialists, we provide access to top-tier experts offering advanced analytics services.

Automate, Enhance & Data Analytics with AI:

Our dedicated specialists assist in deploying ML/AI models to automate analytics processes, minimize manual intervention, eradicate human error, and drive efficiency across your operations.

Craft, Implement or Enhance
Your Data Strategy

Establish a robust framework for your data analytics endeavors. Utilize our data analytics services to devise an effective data strategy from the ground up or revamp your current approach. Additionally, we offer assessments of your existing infrastructure to ensure alignment with your current and future data requirements.

Data Strategy Design and Implementation:
Define scope and objectives.
Integrate data-centric decision-making.
Align strategy with organizational goals and vision.
Foster collaborative data governance.
Mitigate potential risks.
Enhance ROI.
Prevent costly alterations during development.
Prioritize user-centric design.
Engage in-house experts throughout strategy formulation.
Data Strategy Consulting and Evaluation:
Define the final product vision.
Develop project roadmap, timelines, and milestones.
Conduct functional decomposition and estimation.
Propose high-level architecture and design CI/CD pipelines.
Determine team size, composition, and technology stack.
Outline operational and support requirements.
Estimate project costs.
Perform architecture, infrastructure, and data audits.
Conduct application assessments.

Implement Effective Data Governance

Ensure seamless and efficient data distribution across your organization through robust data governance practices. Our team of data specialists can establish a comprehensive framework of roles, processes, and standards, delineating access rights and usage methodologies for all data assets.

Data Governance in Data Mesh

Federated data governance within a data mesh infrastructure empowers individual domain teams with greater autonomy. Each team selects the most suitable tools and resources to manage their data, while adhering to established standards.

Data Governance in Data Fabric

Data governance within a data fabric framework enables comprehensive monitoring and management of data throughout its lifecycle. This approach facilitates governance across diverse environments, applications, and users, providing real-time insights into data changes.

Optimize Data and Analytics
with Cloud Migration

Unlock a multitude of opportunities by transitioning your platform to the cloud. From enhanced scalability and cost efficiency to accelerated time-to-market, broader customer reach, and improved data analysis capabilities, the cloud offers virtually limitless resources to propel your objectives forward.

Tailored to your requirements, our team of experts can facilitate full or partial migration of your infrastructure to the cloud or construct a cloud-based infrastructure from the ground up. Explore our expertise on AWS Marketplace. Our cloud data analytics services encompass:

Design and implementation of a cloud-based data infrastructure.
Migration of legacy systems to the cloud and re-platforming.
Transitioning platforms to the cloud.
Database migration.
Analytics migration.

Cloud-Agnostic Data and Analytics Architecture. Take a forward-thinking approach to your data and analytics architecture by embracing cloud-agnostic solutions. This strategy mitigates vendor lock-in risks while providing enhanced security and flexibility for evolving your infrastructure.

Create an Effective Data and
Analytics Ecosystem

Empower your organization to thrive in the data-driven era by establishing a comprehensive platform that democratizes access to data and analytics. Our data analytics services are designed to elevate business outcomes and uncover new opportunities for your enterprise.

Utilizing a diverse array of tools, features, and technologies, we specialize in crafting scalable data platforms that facilitate seamless ingestion, processing, and analysis of data. Our expertise includes:

Designing and implementing Data Warehouses (DWH), ETL processes, and OLAP structures.
Constructing data lakes and data lakehouses.
Developing analytical data platforms.
Implementing Master Data Management solutions.
Implementing streaming processing capabilities.
Enabling real-time and near-real-time analytics.
Creating data visualization dashboards and automating reporting processes.
Deploying advanced analytics models for enhanced insights.

Craft Intelligent Solutions Empowered by Data Science,
Machine Learning, and AI

Enhance the efficiency and precision of data processing and analysis through the integration of advanced machine learning algorithms into your infrastructure. Leveraging its robust automation capabilities, you can streamline manual processes, reduce errors, and liberate your teams’ time for more strategic endeavors.

Our analytics services encompass expertise in Data Science and machine learning, unlocking new opportunities for maximizing the value of your data.

Predictive Maintenance

ML & AI models autonomously identify anomalies in your operations, enabling accurate prediction of equipment failures. This proactive approach allows for preemptive maintenance, resulting in cost savings and enhanced service quality.

Computer Vision

Solutions equipped with image or video recognition capabilities optimize and automate various repetitive tasks that were previously manual, driving efficiency and accuracy.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP models facilitate the extraction of insights from natural language data by automating its processing and analysis, offering valuable insights into customer sentiments, trends, and more.

Neural Networks

These deep learning systems excel in analyzing vast datasets with numerous variables, uncovering intricate patterns that may elude human perception or traditional software algorithms.

Expand or Strengthen Your Team
with Premier Data Talent

Access a global network of top-tier data experts through LAK Technology. Our teams operate under the Agile methodology, seamlessly integrating development and testing to address all your data requirements and ensure swift time-to-market for secure and dependable solutions. Whether you need to bolster your existing team with additional development capacity and technical expertise, or construct a new team from scratch, we have tailored solutions to meet your needs.

Custom Solution Development

Leverage a team of specialists who will assess your business requirements, devise the most effective solution, and deliver end-to-end development services.

Managed Team

Delegate a portion of your project development to a self-sustaining team seamlessly integrated into your delivery pipeline.

Extended Team

Enhance the development capabilities of your in-house team by leveraging the expertise of seasoned data professionals.
